Find the server timeout and increase the value in the context file grep s_adminservertimeout $CONTEXT_FILE ##Set to 4000 vi $CONTEXT_FILE /s_adminservertimeout Create the missing domain $FND_TOP/bin/ -script=ChkEBSDependecies -server=ALL_SERVERS cd $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin ps -uapplyes ## Make sure no processes are running echo $CONTEXT_FILE perl Remove node if its there from PROD clone sqlplus apps/$APPS_PASS select node_name from ADOP_VALID_NODES; dELETE FROM ADOP_VALID_NODES WHERE EXISTS ( select node_name from ADOP_VALID_NODES where node_name='prodserver' ); commit; exit; Run autoconfig and start the application tier apps/$APPS_PASS ## After R12.2.4 Upgrade Found OPMNCTL Missing While Starting Services (Doc ID 1953456.1)
Working my way through the dba day to day activities sharing what I learn along the way. Mostly a place to save my own notes for later use and hopefully someone else might find it useful.