How do you integrate the UPK directly from the EBS Menu's? A feature is built into the UPK and just need to follow the steps that Oracle suppliers in the document, I have copied them here with some notes of my own:
Modify an Existing Custom Library (Custom.pll)
UPK: Help Menu Integration Documentation (HEMI) for UPK 3.1.5 [ID 660602.1]
Modify an Existing Custom Library (Custom.pll)
- Back up your existing CUSTOM.pll to CUSTOM.pll.orig.
- Copy the CUSTOM.pll from the $AU_TOP/resource folder on the Oracle Applications server to a client machine that has Oracle Forms Builder installed.
- Copy the APPCORE2.pll from $AU_TOP/resource folder on the Oracle Applications server to a client machine that has Oracle Forms Builder installed. This should be the same folder you used for the previous step. This may not be needed if you already are using FORMS60_PATH setup in the registry. We have created a network folder to the Development $AU_TOP folder that is visible to the developers and the registry key points to it.
- Locate the file in the ORACLE folder where the Developer is installed and extract the ODPN.pll file. Copy it to the client machine into same folder as previous file copies. I was not sure what Developer folder meant but this is where your your UPK Client is installed, we had it on a seperate stand alone machine so I found it by searching in the installation directory of the UPK (C:\Program Files\User Productivity Kit\UPK Developer 36Single User\oracle). This file contained both a CUSTOM.pll file and the ODPN.pll file.
- Open CUSTOM.pll using Oracle Forms Builder and attach ODPN.pll. Place this file in the same folder on the client side as your CUSTOM.pll prior to the attachment.
- Answer Yes, when asked to remove directory path.
- To make sure you have no customizations already using the SPECIAL7 menu run the following:
- cd $AU_TOP/forms/US; grep -i APP_SPECIAL.ENABLE `find . -name "*.fmb" -print`| grep SPECIAL7| grep -i PROPERTY_ON
- cd $AU_TOP/resource; grep -i APP_SPECIAL.ENABLE `find . -name "*.fmb" -print`| grep SPECIAL7| g rep -i PROPERTY_ON
- If you receive a result that looks like the statement below, the value is already being used.
- ./CSCCCCRC.fmb:app_special.enable('SPECIAL7', PROPERTY_ON);
- In the CUSTOM Package Body modify the Event procedure by adding this line before the end of the procedure:
- gkod_event (event_name, 'SPECIAL7');
- Copy the CUSTOM.pll and ODPN.pll files from the client to the $AU_TOP/resource folder on the Oracle Applications server.
- Compile both the ODPN.pll and the CUSTOM.pll files:
- f60gen module=ODPN.pll module_type=LIBRARY userid=apps/$APPLPWD compile_all=yes
- f60gen module=CUSTOM.pll module_type=LIBRARY userid=apps/$APPLPWD compile_all=yes
- Ensure that no one is currently using Oracle Applications (Web Forms). Shut down the Oracle Forms Server service.
UPK: Help Menu Integration Documentation (HEMI) for UPK 3.1.5 [ID 660602.1]
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