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Showing posts from January, 2016

Multiple database patches using opatch

During the last upgrade I had to upgrade the database but also prepare the database for R12.2 so there were a few db patches that needed to be applied. Normally with two or three patches this is not a problem. However with twenty patches this makes things a bit more monotanous. My boss came to the rescue with this little jewel. First unzip ALL patches to $PATCH_TOP on DB tier unzip "p*.zip" -d $PATCH_TOP Add opatch to PATH in the $HOME/.bash_profile if not already in PATH export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/Opatch Check opatch is working opatch lsinventory  Apply all patches in a single command (one line) opatch napply -silent $PATCH_TOP -id 18485835,18689530,18893947,18966843,19291380,19393542,19472320,19627012,19649152,19779059,19835133,19896336,20093776,20177858,20181016,20204035,20294666,20476776,20830911,20994102,21091055 Now all I need is to figure out how to use this in non interactive mode so that I don't have to also answer the questions in between.

The application's digital signature cannot be verified

In accessing R12 applications, it throws the security warning message "The application's digital signature cannot be verified" In some of the client machine once this warning message pops-up, their IE session is getting hanged. Only option is to kill the session from task manager. This is creating problems with application users and hence provide us a solution to get rid of this warning message.  Solution Control panel > Java > Advanced > Security > Disable verification Reference:  Bug 11847386 : NEED TO SUPRESS R12 HANGING WARNING MESSAGE

lp: Forbidden

During upgrade a user ran into this issue on a cloned instance lp: Forbidden Pasta: Error: Print failed. Command=lp -c -dwms_104  /u03/APPLYES/YES/fs_ne/inst/YES_erpapyes/logs/appl/conc/out/MLM_WMS_LABEL_48805775_1.PDF Pasta: Error: Check printCommand/ntPrintCommand in pasta.cfg Pasta: Error: Preprocess or Print command failed!!! APP-FND-00500: AFPPRN received a return code of failure from routine FDUPRN. Program exited with status 1 Check the CUPS configuration file to see what the group is for running [root@oraaptest ~]# vi /etc/cups/cupsd.conf # Administrator user group... SystemGroup lp Check the users in the group for lp and add the user to the group [root@oraaptest ~]# vi /etc/group lp:x:15:daemonm,appltest Restart cups and retest the issue [root@oraaptest ~]# service cups restart Stopping cups:                                             [...

Reset WebLogic Administration Password in R12.2

TXK.C.Delta.7 Shut down all application tier services except the Admin Server $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/ stop apps/$APPS_PASS wait=y $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/ apps/$APPS_PASS -skipNM -skipAdmin Change the password and start the services: perl $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/ -action=updateAdminPassword $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/ TXK.C.Delta.6 and earlier Need to shutdown the server, I prefer shutting down the concurrent manager first and then then the rest. $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/ stop apps/$APPS_PASS wait=y $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/ apps/$APPS_PASS Backup the property files in case the change does not work and you want to revert back to the current settings. Notice you'll do this for each of the servers. You may have more than one oacore server or forms server so make sure to backup each. mv $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/security/DefaultAuthenticatorInit.ldift $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/security/DefaultAuthenticatorInit.ldift.bkup mv $EBS_DO...


dos2unix is used when converting files that were created in windows and haven't been converted. You might get an error such as: -bash: ./ /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory Convert the file to unix: dos2unix [filename] If you want to do a whole directory recursively: find . -type f -exec dos2unix {} \;

Setup NTP

Set ntp IP vi /etc/ntp.conf #set the server to the IP of the server providing ntp server=x.x.x.x Restart ntp service ntpd restart Set the hardware clock hwclock --systohc

Decrypt FND_USER password

First create a decruption function that will decrypt the password. create or replace function xx_decrypt(key in varchar2, value in varchar2) return varchar2 as language java name ',java.lang.String) return java.lang.String'; Create a view used the decryption function: create or replace view xx_user_pass as SELECT user_name,       (SELECT xx_decrypt(UPPER(                               (SELECT (SELECT xx_decrypt(UPPER((SELECT upper(fnd_profile.value('GUEST_USER_PWD')) FROM dual)),usertable.encrypted_foundation_password) FROM dual) AS apps_password                               FROM fnd_user usertable                               WHERE usertable.user_name LIKE   ...

Home Page Modes R12.2

Responsibility: System Administrator or Similar Navigation: Profile > System Profile Name: “Self Service Personal Home Page mode” Options: Framework only Framework Simplified Framework Tree No Homepage Reference: How to Change Homepage   Steven Chan

Add Linux User

Often I get a new server to clone an instance. This is the way I setup the user so that I don't have to do any change ownership to the files being cloned as they get the same id as the PROD system. This obviously will only work with single instances on a server. groupmod -g 500 dba useradd -gdba -s/bin/bash -poratest -d/home/oratest -m oratest usermod -u 500 oratest