Having run into a bug in a custom form I thought I'd share the results. Problem: Oracle Applications allows users to work in a number format that is familiar to them, this is not a problem however and rather a smart feature. The problem come is when you want to save this info into the database and let different users view the data. The error arises when storing number values into a DFF attribute of a table which is a character. This means that when a european number (1.000,99) is stored in an attribute it will be stored as you see it. Now when a user viewing the "number" as regular (1,000.99) there will be an error as it is trying to convert the attribute to a number but it is not in a recognised format. Solution: Oracle to the rescue with FND_NUMBER. To store a number into the attribute column use something like this: attribute1 := fnd_number.number_to_canonical(p_number); To read the number from the attribute column use this.: p_number := fnd_number.canonic...
Working my way through the dba day to day activities sharing what I learn along the way. Mostly a place to save my own notes for later use and hopefully someone else might find it useful.